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Master the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines with Khan Academy's Comprehensive Guide

Master the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines with Khan Academy's Comprehensive Guide

If you are a student who is currently taking up trigonometry, you may have already encountered the Law of Sines. This law of trigonometry helps us solve triangles that are oblique or not-right angled. However, have you heard of the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines Khan Academy?

This law teaches us how to solve triangles where one length and two angle measures are given. It may sound easy, but did you know that there are instances where you can get two different solutions for one triangle? Yes, you read that right!

At first glance, this concept may seem confusing and intimidating. But fear not, as the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines can actually be understood with proper explanation and example problems.

So why is it called ambiguous? Simply put, it means that there is more than one possible solution for a given situation. In this case, ambiguity arises when we are given an included angle value and a side that is longer than the opposite angle.

To illustrate further, let's take a look at a real-life scenario wherein we can use the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines:

Imagine you are a surveyor tasked to measure the height of a tree. You stand at point A, which is 100 feet away from the base of the tree. You also estimate that the angle of elevation between you and the top of the tree is around 45 degrees.

At this point, you have two pieces of information: the distance between you and the base of the tree, and the angle of elevation between you and the top of the tree. Using the Law of Sines alone, you cannot solve for the height of the tree as you only have one side and one angle measure - thus, you need to use the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines.

Sounds interesting, right? But how do we actually solve for the different possible solutions? The key is to determine whether the given side value is longer than or equal to the altitude of the triangle drawn from the opposite angle.

To make the process easier to understand, let's consider the following steps when using the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines:

  • First, use the given angle to find the sine value.
  • Multiply the sine value by the given side.
  • If the result is greater than 1, there will be no solution.
  • If the result is equal to 1, then there is only one solution.
  • If the result is between 0 and 1, there are two possible solutions.

By following these steps, you can solve for the other angles and sides of the triangle given the information you have.

In conclusion, the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines Khan Academy may seem puzzling at first, but it is a useful concept to learn when dealing with trigonometry problems involving oblique triangles. So why not give it a try and see for yourself how it can help you solve trippy triangle problems with ease?

Ambiguous Case Law Of Sines Khan Academy
"Ambiguous Case Law Of Sines Khan Academy" ~ bbaz

The Law of Sines is an important theorem in geometry that deals with triangles. It states that the ratio of a side of a triangle to the sine of the angle opposite it is constant for all sides and angles of the triangle. This theorem is critical for solving problems related to triangles, and it is often used in engineering, physics, and other fields that require mathematical analysis.

However, there are some cases where the Law of Sines fails to provide a unique solution. These cases are known as the Ambiguous Case of the Law of Sines. Solving this case requires extra knowledge about the triangle, which is not always available. So, let's explore the Ambiguous Case of the Law of Sines and how to solve it.

What is the Ambiguous Case of the Law of Sines?

The Ambiguous Case of the Law of Sines occurs when two sides and one non-included angle of a triangle are known. In this situation, the Law of Sines can be used to find the possible values of the remaining angles and sides of the triangle. However, this process can result in two or no solutions depending upon the values of the given sides and angles.

To understand this better, let us consider a general triangle ABC where AB = a, BC = b, AC = c and angles A, B, C are as shown in the figure below. If we know the length of sides AB and AC, along with the measure of angle B, then we can use the Law of Sines to find the value of side BC.

Accordingly, applying the Law of Sines we get:

This can be further simplified as:

Therefore, if we know the values of a, b, and angle B, we can calculate the value of sin C. And since sin C is a unique value, there will be only one possible solution for angle C.

When Does the Ambiguous Case Occur?

Now let us dive into the cases in which the Ambiguous Case occurs.

Case 1: SSA

If two sides and one non-included angle are given such that the angle is acute, there are two possible triangles that can be formed. For example, suppose that AB = 5, AC = 8, and the measure of angle B is 40°. Using the Law of Sines, we can find that sin C ≈ 0.924. Since sin C cannot be greater than 1, there are two possible values of angle C, about 67.2° and 112.8°.

Thus, two different triangles (ABC and A'B'C') can be formed with given conditions as shown below.

Case 2: SSA (obtuse angle)

If two sides and one non-included angle are given such that the angle is obtuse, there is no triangle that satisfies the given conditions. For example, suppose that AB = 7, AC = 9, and the measure of angle B is 160°. Using the Law of Sines, we can find that sin(C) ≈ −0.887. However, this value is not achievable since sin() cannot be negative or greater than 1. Therefore, no triangle can be formed with the given conditions.

Case 3: SAA

If two angles and one side are given, there is only one possible triangle that can be formed. For example, suppose that AB = 5, angle A = 30°, and angle B = 50°. Using the Law of Sines, we can find that BC ≈ 4.177. Thus, we can draw the only possible triangle with given conditions as shown below:

The General Formula for the Ambiguous Case

There is a general formula that can be used to determine if the Ambiguous Case occurs or not. If two sides and the angle opposite the greater of those two sides are given, then the Ambiguous Case occurs if the sine of the angle is greater than the ratio of the other side to the greater of the first two sides. Otherwise, no triangle can be formed with the given conditions.

This formula can be expressed as:

How to Solve the Ambiguous Case

When the Ambiguous Case occurs, we need to find the missing values using additional information about the triangle. There are different methods to solve the Ambiguous Case depending upon the type of information provided. However, the most common method is to use the Law of Cosines.

Using the Law of Cosines, we can find the two possible values of the third side and then check which of the values satisfy the given conditions. For example, consider the triangle ABC with sides AB = 5, BC = 8, and angle B = 40°. If we want to find the possible values of angle C, we first calculate the two possible values of AC using the Law of Cosines:

Therefore, there are two possible values of AC, i.e., about 3.80 and 11.49. We can then use the Law of Sines to find the values of angles A and C for both cases.

If we use 3.80, then we will get:

If we use 11.49, then we will get:

From the above calculations, we can see that the only possible value of angle C is approximately 67.2°. Therefore, the triangle ABC will be as shown below:


The Ambiguous Case of the Law of Sines occurs when two sides and one non-included angle of a triangle are given. In this case, the Law of Sines may provide two different solutions or no solution at all. However, these missing values can be found by using additional information about the triangle and applying the Law of Cosines and the Law of Sines.

It is important to note that while the Ambiguous Case may seem complicated, it is a critical concept that we must understand to solve problems related to triangles. So, it is always important to have a clear understanding of the Ambiguous Case of the Law of Sines so we can apply it effectively in various situations.

Understanding the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines on Khan Academy


The Law of Sines is a mathematical formula used to find the length of a side or the measure of an angle of a plane triangle. It works for all types of triangles, including right, acute, and obtuse triangles. However, when it comes to solving oblique triangles, there's a unique case called the ambiguous case that often arises. This case occurs when you have given two sides and an angle, but that angle could give you two possible triangles. The Khan Academy has excellent resources that help in understanding this concept.

The Basics of the Law of Sines

Before we dive deeper into the ambiguous case, it's important to understand the basics of the Law of Sines. This law states that for any triangle ABC:

a / sin A = b / sin B = c / sin C

Where a, b, and c are the sides of triangle ABC, and angles A, B, and C are their opposite angles, respectively. This equation can be rearranged to solve for various unknowns, such as sides or angles.

When the Ambiguous Case Arises

The ambiguous case arises when you have two sides and an angle opposite one of them. In other words, you have the following information:
  • a
  • b
  • Angle C
If you try to use the Law of Sines to solve for angle A or side c, it could give you two possible answers, depending on the situation.

For Example

Take a look at the triangle below. Let's assume we are given AB, AC, and angle C.TriangleUsing the Law of Sines, we can try to solve for the missing side or angle. Solving for angle A:

sin A / a = sin C / c

sin A = a * sin C / c

A = sin-1(a * sin C / c)

In this case, we get:

A = 103.28° or 76.72°

As you can see, this gives us two possible angles for angle A, depending on whether the triangle is acute or obtuse.

What to Do Next?

In order to determine which angle is correct, we need to look at the given information and understand what type of triangle we're dealing with. In cases where only acute triangles are possible, we can eliminate the obtuse option right away. However, when it's not that straightforward, there are other ways to solve for the missing information.

How Khan Academy Helps

The Khan Academy provides excellent resources for understanding the Law of Sines, as well as how to approach the ambiguous case. They offer video lessons, exercises, and examples that help learners grasp the concept from different angles.

Video Lessons

Their video lessons cover the basics of the law of sines, as well as an entire section devoted to the ambiguous case.


Khan Academy also offers interactive exercises that give learners a chance to practice solving problems related to the ambiguous case. The questions are carefully designed to provide both variety and complexity, allowing learners to test their understanding of the topic.


The examples given by Khan Academy illustrate how to apply the Law of Sines to solve problems of different complexities. Each example is accompanied by a thorough explanation of the concepts and process used to arrive at a solution.

Comparison Table

Here's a comparison table that summarizes the key differences between acute and obtuse triangles in the ambiguous case:
Type of Triangle What the Law of Sines gives us Possible Solution for Angle A
Acute Two possible angles for angle A Choose the smaller one (less than 90 degrees)
Obtuse One possible angle for angle A or no solution Just use the Law of Cosines to find side c.

Our Opinion

Overall, we think the Khan Academy offers some of the most comprehensive resources when it comes to understanding the Law of Sines and the Ambiguous Case. Their video lessons, exercises, and examples are all top-notch and make this topic easier to comprehend. In addition, their interactive interface allows learners to practice solving problems in real-time, which is an effective way to solidify what they've learned. We highly recommend this website to anyone looking to improve their math skills.

Ambiguous Case Law Of Sines Khan Academy – Tips and Tutorial

The Law of Sines is an important rule in trigonometry that describes the relationship between angles and sides of a triangle. However, there are some cases where it is difficult to determine the other angles and sides of a triangle using the Law of Sines, and this is known as the Ambiguous Case. Khan Academy is one of the best resources to learn about this concept, and in this article, we will discuss some helpful tips and tutorials for mastering the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines on Khan Academy.

Understanding the Ambiguous Case

The Ambiguous Case occurs when you have two possible triangle solutions when given a side and two angles or when given two sides and an angle that is opposite one of the sides. In both cases, the Law of Sines can be used to find the missing angle(s) or side(s). However, it is important to note that just because you get an answer doesn't necessarily mean that it is correct. You need to check if the solution actually produces a triangle that exists, which means that the sum of the angles should be 180 degrees.

Using Khan Academy for Learning

Khan Academy offers free online lessons and practice exercises on various topics related to math and science. The Ambiguous Case Law of Sines is covered extensively, with tutorials, videos, and interactive quizzes to help you understand the concept. You can start by watching the introductory video provided by Khan Academy that explains what the Ambiguous Case is and how to identify it. Then, you can move on to the step-by-step tutorials that cover specific examples.

Tips for Mastering the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines on Khan Academy

1. Practice Problems

One of the best ways to master the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines is to practice solving problems. Khan Academy provides plenty of practice exercises that are designed to help you build your skills and confidence. Start with easy problems and gradually work your way up to more difficult ones.

2. Break Down the Problems

When you're solving a problem, don't rush through it. Take your time and carefully read the question. Then, try to break down the problem into smaller parts so that it's easier to solve. Identify what information you have and what information is missing. Then, use the Law of Sines to find the missing information.

3. Sketch the Triangle

An important step in solving problems related to the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines is to sketch the triangle. This will help you visualize the problem and identify the different angles and sides. Draw the triangle on paper or use software tools like Geogebra or Desmos to create a digital sketch.

4. Be Patient

The Ambiguous Case Law of Sines can be confusing and frustrating at times, especially if you're new to trigonometry. However, it's important to be patient and persevere through the challenges. Remember to take breaks when you feel stuck and come back to the problem with a fresh mind.

5. Seek Help

If you're stuck on a problem, don't hesitate to seek help. Khan Academy offers a community of learners and tutors who can provide assistance and guidance. You can also join forums or study groups to connect with other students who are learning the same topic.


The Ambiguous Case Law of Sines is an important concept in trigonometry that requires practice, patience, and perseverance to master. Khan Academy provides a wealth of resources to help you understand and solve problems related to this concept, from tutorials and videos to practice exercises and community support. By following the tips outlined in this article and utilizing the resources available on Khan Academy, you can improve your skills and confidence in solving Ambiguous Case problems.

Ambiguous Case Law of Sines on Khan Academy

Are you struggling with the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines? Look no further than Khan Academy's comprehensive lesson on this topic. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into this lesson and provide helpful tips for mastering the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines.

To begin, let's review what exactly the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines is. The Ambiguous Case occurs when solving for a triangle using the Law of Sines results in more than one possible triangle. This happens when the side opposite the given angle is longer than the adjacent side. In order to determine which of the two possible triangles is correct, we need additional information about the triangle.

Khan Academy's lesson on the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines does an excellent job of explaining this concept. The lesson includes text-based explanations, interactive examples, and even practice problems to help solidify your understanding. One helpful feature of the lesson is the use of diagrams and animations to illustrate the different scenarios that can arise with the Ambiguous Case.

The lesson begins with an introduction to the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines and quickly moves into specific examples. The first example demonstrates a simple case where we are given an angle and the length of the opposite side. From there, we use the Law of Sines to solve for the remaining sides and angles. However, as the lesson progresses, the examples become more complex and the Ambiguous Case becomes apparent.

One of the strengths of Khan Academy's approach to teaching the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines is the use of multiple methods and strategies. The lesson provides several ways to approach the problem, including algebraic manipulation and graphing. This allows learners to find the method that works best for them and to develop a deeper understanding of the concept.

As we reach the end of the lesson, Khan Academy provides a summary of key takeaways and offers additional resources for learners who want to further their understanding of the topic. Overall, the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines lesson on Khan Academy is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their skills in trigonometry.

If you're struggling with the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines, don't give up! There are several strategies that can help you conquer this concept. One helpful tactic is to practice, practice, practice. Work through as many examples as possible and try different methods until you find the one that works best for you.

Another helpful tip is to break down the problem into smaller parts. Try isolating the variables and solving for them separately before putting everything back together. This can make the problem seem less overwhelming and provide a clearer path to the solution.

Lastly, don't hesitate to seek help. Whether it be from a teacher, tutor, or online resource like Khan Academy, there are plenty of resources available to help you master the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines.

In conclusion, Khan Academy's lesson on the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines is an excellent resource for learners of all levels. With its clear explanations, interactive examples, and multiple approaches to the problem, this lesson can help you conquer the Ambiguous Case and improve your skills in trigonometry. Don't give up, keep practicing, and soon you'll be on your way to mastering the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines!

People Also Ask About Ambiguous Case Law Of Sines Khan Academy

What is the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines?

The Ambiguous Case Law of Sines is a concept in trigonometry that deals with finding an angle or side length in a triangle when given incomplete information. This law applies when given two sides and an angle opposite one of the sides, and there are two possible triangles that can be formed.

What is the formula for the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines?

The formula for the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines is as follows:

  1. Find the sine of the given angle.
  2. If the sine is greater than 1, there are no triangles that satisfy the given conditions.
  3. If the sine is less than or equal to 1:
    • Calculate angle A using sin(A) = a / b × sin(B), where a and b are the given sides and B is the given angle.
    • If A is greater than or equal to 90°, there is no triangle that satisfies the given conditions.
    • If A is less than 90°, there are two possible triangles that can be formed.

How do you solve problems using the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines?

To solve problems using the Ambiguous Case Law of Sines, follow these steps:

  1. Determine if the given conditions satisfy the law – two sides and an angle opposite one of the sides.
  2. Calculate the sine of the given angle.
  3. If the sine is greater than 1, there are no triangles that satisfy the given conditions.
  4. If the sine is less than or equal to 1:
    • Calculate angle A using sin(A) = a / b × sin(B), where a and b are the given sides and B is the given angle.
    • If A is greater than or equal to 90°, there is no triangle that satisfies the given conditions.
    • If A is less than 90°, there are two possible triangles that can be formed.
    • Determine which triangle is the one you need by using the other given information in the problem.

What is Khan Academy?

Khan Academy is an online learning platform that offers free educational courses in a wide range of subjects, including math, science, humanities, and more. Their mission is to provide access to quality education for everyone, regardless of their background or income, and to help students learn at their own pace and in their own way.

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