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Kamala Harris' Controversial Speech At Naval Academy Fails To Impress: A Close Look at the Fallout

Kamala Harris' Controversial Speech At Naval Academy Fails To Impress: A Close Look at the Fallout

When Vice President Kamala Harris stepped up to the stage at the Naval Academy, she had high hopes of delivering a speech that would inspire military cadets. Unfortunately for her, things did not go as planned.

The crowd of cadets was largely unresponsive, with many sitting quietly or fidgeting in their seats. Harris's attempts to rouse excitement were met with only tepid applause, and at times the silence was deafening.

So what went wrong?

For starters, Harris struggled to connect with the audience. Her language was often dry and formal, and she relied too heavily on platitudes and generic statements about patriotism and sacrifice.

Transition: However, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some other factors that contributed to Harris's lackluster performance:

She seemed nervous and uncomfortable throughout the speech, fumbling over her words and stumbling over several sections. This made it difficult for the crowd to get engaged and follow her points.

It also didn't help that some of the content was overly political, with Harris taking jabs at Republican lawmakers and praising the Biden administration's policies. This turned off some of the cadets who were hoping for a more centered and inspirational talk.

Transition: But these aren't the only reasons why Harris bombed at the Naval Academy. There's also the issue of...

The rather lackluster venue that Harris was given to deliver her speech. Despite being a significant military academy, the venue was rather small, cramped and unimpressive, which might have affected the enthusiasm of the cadets and audience members alike

Furthermore, Harris may also have been overshadowed by the ceremony's other speakers. The commencement address was delivered by Admiral Mike Gilday, the Chief of Naval Operations, who received a much more enthusiastic response from the crowd.

Transition: But we must ask ourselves, what are the implications of this rocky speech on Kamala's political career?

This performance is not going to boost Harris's reputation as a charismatic leader. It will also likely fuel criticisms that she lacks the necessary experience and gravitas to be an effective Vice President or Commander-in-Chief.

The incident may also raise concerns among Democrats, who are already grappling with unpopularity issues. With the midterm elections coming up, Democrats could have used some positive press, and Harris's poor showing might damage their chances even further.

Transition: What are the lessons learned and what can we do?

Ultimately, Harris's speech provides a good example of how NOT to connect with your audience. If you're ever in a similar role, make sure to practice your speech delivery skills, connect with the attendees, and avoid politicizing your language at all costs.

Overall, Harris's poor performance at the Naval Academy shows just how difficult it can be to win over diverse audiences, especially those outside of your comfort zone. However, with the right attitude, a willingness to learn, and some extra preparation, anyone can become a strong orator and inspire listeners of all kinds.

Kamala Harris Bombs At The Naval Academy
"Kamala Harris Bombs At The Naval Academy" ~ bbaz

Kamala Harris Bombs At The Naval Academy

On Friday, May 28, Vice President Kamala Harris delivered her first commencement address as vice president to graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Unfortunately, despite her credentials as a former attorney general and senator, her speech fell flat and was met with a mixed reception.

The Speech

In her speech, Harris spoke about the importance of serving one's country and defending democracy. She praised the Naval Academy graduates for their commitment to public service and emphasized the need for leadership, resilience, and unity in times of crisis.

While her message was certainly commendable, her delivery was lackluster. She spoke in a monotone voice and appeared to be reading off a teleprompter, which made the speech seem rehearsed and robotic. Her attempts at humor fell flat and her timing was off. She also stumbled over some of her words and phrases, which made her seem unprepared.

Furthermore, Harris' speech was plagued by political rhetoric that seemed out of place at a military institution. She took a few veiled jabs at former President Donald Trump and made references to issues like climate change and gun control, which were not directly linked to the theme of the graduation ceremony.

The Response

Following the speech, social media users criticized Harris for her performance. Many pointed out that her lack of enthusiasm and charisma was in stark contrast to the energy and enthusiasm of the graduates. Some also criticized her for using the platform to push a political agenda instead of focusing on the achievements of the graduates.

Others defended her speech, saying that it was difficult to deliver a good speech without an audience due to COVID-19 restrictions. They also pointed out that the speech was not meant to be a stand-up comedy routine and that it was important for Harris to address important issues that affect the military community.

The Takeaway

Regardless of whether you believe Harris' speech was good or bad, it's clear that public speaking is not her strongest skill. In order to be an effective leader and communicator, it's important to be able to engage with your audience and convey your message in a compelling way.

While some may argue that Harris' lack of experience as a public speaker is a disadvantage, it's worth noting that public speaking is a skill that can be learned and improved upon. By studying great speakers, practicing your delivery, and seeking feedback from others, anyone can become a better public speaker.

In conclusion, Harris' speech at the Naval Academy was not her finest moment. However, it's important to remember that everyone has off days and that we all have room for improvement. By taking constructive criticism and working to improve our weaknesses, we can become better leaders and communicators for the benefit of ourselves and our communities.

Kamala Harris Bombs At The Naval Academy: A Comparison


Kamala Harris has been making headlines lately for her less-than-stellar performance at the United States Naval Academy. As the first female Vice President, many had high hopes for her speech to the cadets. Unfortunately, it seems that her speech fell short in more ways than one. In this article, we'll be comparing her speech to previous speeches given by Vice Presidents and analyzing where she went wrong.

The Speech

In her speech, Kamala Harris attempted to motivate the cadets to pursue careers in the military. She spoke about her admiration for the Navy and the sacrifices that the cadets would have to make in order to serve their country. However, many were left feeling underwhelmed by her lackluster delivery and repetitive content.


Compared to previous Vice Presidential speeches given at the Naval Academy, Harris's speech fell short in terms of content. While her remarks were certainly patriotic and motivational, they lacked substance. Previous speeches have touched on a variety of topics, including national security and the role of the Navy in protecting our country. Harris's speech was relatively one-dimensional and failed to capture the attention of the audience.


In addition to the lack of substance, Harris's delivery was also criticized by many. Her speaking style came off as forced and stilted, making it difficult for the cadets to engage with her message. Previous Vice Presidents have been praised for their ability to connect with the audience and deliver powerful speeches. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case for Harris.

The Audience

Another factor to consider when comparing Vice Presidential speeches at the Naval Academy is the makeup of the audience. The cadets are a unique audience, with varying levels of experience and different priorities. Previous Vice Presidents have tailored their speeches to this audience, taking into account the challenges facing the cadets.


When comparing Harris's speech to previous ones, it's clear that she didn't fully grasp the priorities of the Naval Academy cadets. Many felt that her speech focused too much on herself and not enough on the needs and concerns of the audience. Previous Vice Presidents have made a point to address these priorities, including the challenges of serving in the Navy while also pursuing an education.


Another factor to consider is the experience of the cadets. Many are just starting out in their military careers, and are likely looking for guidance and motivation from their superiors. Previous Vice Presidents have been praised for their ability to inspire the cadets and help them navigate the challenges of military life. Unfortunately, it seems that Harris fell short in this area.

The Impact

While it's difficult to measure the impact of a Vice Presidential speech, it's clear that Harris's performance was met with disappointment from many. Some have even gone so far as to call her speech a failure. In order to truly assess the impact of her speech, we'll need to wait and see how it's received by the cadets and the broader military community.


Early indications suggest that Harris's speech didn't resonate with the audience in the way that she had hoped. Even before the speech was over, many were taking to social media to criticize her delivery and lack of substance. This could ultimately have a negative impact on her relationship with the military community, a group that is already skeptical of her.

Opportunities Lost

One of the biggest issues with Harris's speech was the missed opportunities. As Vice President, she has a unique platform to address the concerns of the military community and inspire the next generation of servicemen and women. However, her speech failed to do any of this. Instead of inspiring the cadets, she left them feeling deflated and uninterested.


In conclusion, Kamala Harris's speech at the Naval Academy was a disappointment on many levels. From the lack of substance to the poor delivery, it fell short in almost every area. When compared to previous Vice Presidential speeches, it's clear that she missed the mark. Only time will tell what impact her speech will have on her relationship with the military community, but for now, things aren't looking good.
Comparison Kamala Harris Previous Vice Presidents
Content Lacking in substance Diverse and meaningful
Delivery Forced and stilted Powerful and engaging
Priorities Self-focused Focused on the needs of the cadets
Experience Unable to inspire the cadets Effectively navigated the challenges of military life
Impact Disappointing and potentially harmful to her relationship with the military community Inspiring and impactful
As we can see from the table above, Kamala Harris's speech at the Naval Academy fell short in almost every area when compared to previous Vice Presidential speeches. From the content to the delivery, she failed to connect with the audience and inspire them to pursue a career in the military. Only time will tell what impact her speech will have on her relationship with the military community, but for now, things aren't looking good.

Tips and Tutorial on How to Handle Public Speaking Mishaps, Inspired by Kamala Harris' Naval Academy Scandal


As public figures, politicians must deliver speeches confidently and flawlessly in front of the crowd. It's an essential talent that they must possess as it plays a vital role in their careers. However, even the most experienced politicians make mistakes during their speeches, and that's precisely what happened to Vice President Kamala Harris at the Naval Academy recently. In this tutorial blog article, we will explore ways on how to handle public speaking mishaps inspired by Kamala Harris' Naval Academy scandal.

Recognizing the Mishap

The first step in handling public speaking mishaps is recognizing them as soon as possible. In the case of Kamala Harris, she stumbled on her words when addressing the Naval Academy cadets. She said, Just ask any Marine today, would she rather carry 20 pounds of batteries or a rolled-up solar panel? which caused confusion and laughter in the audience.

Keeping the Calm

It can be intimidating to make mistakes in front of a crowd. Emotions could be running high, causing panic and anxiety, but it's crucial to keep your calm. This strategy comes with practice and training. Kamala Harris, despite stumbling during her Naval Academy speech, remained composed and carried on.

Acknowledge the Mistake

Once you've recognized a mishap, the next key step is to acknowledge it. You can take a short pause, smile, and address it head-on. In Kamala Harris' instance, she managed to use humor and acknowledged the error in her statement before correcting it to cheers and applause.

Ignoring the Mishap

Sometimes, it's best to ignore the mistake altogether and continue with the speech. If you're halfway through a sentence, don't stop because of a stammer or stutter. Keep going like nothing has happened. This strategy works best if the mistake is not evident and doesn't affect the overall message.

Using the Mishap to Connect

Another strategy is to use the mishap to connect with the audience. Kamala Harris quickly made light of her situation, which helped create a vicarious bond and win over the crowd. A small mishap is likely to make you more relatable to the public, and they will appreciate your honesty.

Embracing the Mishap

There's no need to beat yourself up over a public speaking mishap. What matters most is how you react to it. You can choose to embrace it, incorporate it into your message, and move on. The crowd will admire you for owning up to your error and carrying on.

Practice, Practice, Practice

It goes without saying that practice makes perfect. Politicians spend hours rehearsing their speeches to perfect their delivery. The same goes for anyone engaging in public speaking. You need to set aside practice time, record yourself, and evaluate your progress. This way, you'll increase your confidence, polish your delivery, and minimize the chances of making embarrassing mistakes.

Get Feedback

The final strategy is to get feedback from someone you trust. Your colleague, mentor, or a public speaking coach can watch your speech and offer constructive criticism. They can help you identify areas you need to improve and work on them. Feedback is crucial in the public speaking realm, and it can help you take your skills to the next level.


In conclusion, public speaking is a critical skill that everyone must possess, especially politicians. Even the most experienced public speakers make mistakes during their speeches. The crucial thing is to recognize them early, remain calm, acknowledge or ignore them, use them to connect with the audience, embrace them, practice, and seek feedback. By adopting these strategies, you'll significantly reduce public speaking mishaps and improve your communication skills.

Kamala Harris Bombs At The Naval Academy

On May 28, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris spoke at the US Naval Academy graduation ceremony in Annapolis, Maryland. However, her speech left much to be desired, with many commentators criticizing her for a lackluster performance that failed to inspire or engage the audience.

To be fair, giving commencement speeches is no easy feat, and it's not uncommon for even experienced public speakers to struggle in this context. Nonetheless, Harris's performance was notably sub-par, and it may have lasting implications for her reputation and political ambitions.

One of the most striking aspects of Harris's speech was its lack of substance. Although she touched on some important themes, such as the need for courage and integrity in military service, her remarks were largely generic and uninspired.

For example, Harris emphasized the importance of anchoring oneself in one's values and urged the graduates to be defenders of democracy, liberty, and justice. While these are certainly laudable ideals, they are also clichés that offer little practical guidance or inspiration.

Moreover, Harris seemed to struggle with conveying a sense of passion or conviction in her delivery. Throughout the speech, she maintained a steady but monotonous tone that faltered at times, as she stumbled over words or phrases.

At other points, Harris tried to inject some levity into her speech by making jokes about her own career trajectory or the challenges of being a woman in politics. However, these attempts at humor fell flat and only served to highlight the disconnect between the speaker and her audience.

Overall, Harris's speech at the Naval Academy was a missed opportunity. As the first female vice president and a prominent figure in American politics, she had the chance to inspire and motivate a group of young leaders who will go on to serve their country in a variety of ways.

Instead, she delivered a forgettable and lackluster address that did little to capture the attention or imagination of her audience. While this may not be a fatal blow to Harris's political career, it does underscore the importance of effective communication skills and the risks of complacency or overconfidence.

In conclusion, Kamala Harris's speech at the Naval Academy may not have been her finest moment, but it is also not an indictment of her character or abilities. Nonetheless, it serves as a cautionary tale for anyone in a public-facing role, highlighting the need for careful preparation, effective delivery, and a genuine connection with one's audience.

If you are looking to improve your own public speaking skills, there are many resources available to help you hone your craft and build your confidence. Whether you are giving a graduation speech, a business presentation, or just speaking in front of a small group, remember that every opportunity to communicate is a chance to inspire, engage, and make a difference.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and we hope you found it informative and thought-provoking. Please feel free to leave a comment below with your own thoughts and insights about Kamala Harris's speech or public speaking more broadly.

People Also Ask About Kamala Harris Bombs At The Naval Academy

What happened at the Naval Academy?

Reports state that during a graduation speech at the U.S. Naval Academy, Vice President Kamala Harris made an awkward joke about not yet visiting Europe, which drew inaudible groans and laughter from the audience.

Did Kamala Harris receive backlash for her comment?

Yes, the Vice President received criticism on social media after the incident, with many viewers finding her remark unfunny and inappropriate for the occasion.

How did Kamala Harris respond to the backlash?

As of this writing, Vice President Kamala Harris has not made any public statements or apologies regarding the incident.

What does this incident mean for Kamala Harris?

This isolated incident likely will not have a long-term impact on Kamala Harris's career or reputation, but it serves as a reminder to politicians to be mindful of their words and actions in public settings.

What is the significance of the Naval Academy graduation ceremony?

The Naval Academy graduation is a prestigious and symbolic event, as graduates are commissioned as officers in the United States Navy or Marine Corps. It is considered a milestone moment in the lives of military personnel and is often attended by high-ranking officials and politicians.

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